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Prominent Leaders Discuss Public-Private Partnerships in Healthcare at BritCham Indonesia Event

BritCham Indonesia

BritCham’s Health, Wellbeing & the Life Sciences and Professional Women’s HUB, teamed up with the British Embassy Department of Business and Trade (UK-DBT) on Thursday to explore the effectiveness of incentives for innovation and the role of private partnerships in combating the challenges of disease. Hosted by BritCham Indonesia, with leading ministerial representation and some of Indonesia’s most prominent foreign investors in the healthcare sector, the two panel, fast moving format attracted a full-house at the World Trade Centre 3. 

In the first panel discussion, Esra Erkomay, Board Member of BritCham Indonesia and President Director of AstraZeneca stated “AI is an important tool for effective and efficient clinical trials”. She also expressed her appreciation to the swift developments of telemedicine in Indonesia. As a moderator from the first panel, Shaanti Shamdasani, President, S. ASEAN International Advocacy & Consultancy (SAIAC) concluded the panel by emphasising the pivotal role of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in the Indonesian healthcare ecosystem. She stressed that the success of these partnerships hinges on effective investment management, supported by robust systems, strategic partnerships, and sound regulatory frameworks. These elements are essential for using PPP as a bargaining tool for both foreign and local private investments. Without PPP, Shamdasani asserted, the advancement of Indonesia's healthcare sector cannot be realised. 

On the second panel, Dr. Dra. Lucia Rizka Andalucia, Director General, Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices of the Ministry of Health of Indonesia represented by Indri Rooslamiati Supriadi, Head of the Healthcare Unit at the Directorate of Health Service, Ministry of Health, highlighted the need for greater participation in clinical trials within Indonesia. “Indonesia lags behind among Asian countries due to regulatory challenges” added by Indri. Indri also mentioned that the Ministry of Health, Indonesia called upon all hospitals to

collaborate in advancing clinical research efforts. This call to action seeks to elevate Indonesia's standing in medical research and healthcare innovation, ultimately benefiting the nation's health outcomes and advancing global knowledge. 

In concluding remarks, former Chairman & now Consultative Board Advisor and President Director of PT Swire Investments Indonesia, Ainsley Mann emphasised, “Overarching all the good progress and well-founded intentions is the strategic need to urgently address issues of supply chain and capability.” Government, private sector and researchers are in unanimous agreement on this. 

This event reflects BritCham Indonesia's commitment to advocate for increased foreign investment by demonstrating the potential for growth and development in the Indonesian healthcare sector. Celebrating 75 years of a thriving trading relationship, this initiative underscores the ongoing expansion and strengthening of the Anglo-Indonesian relationship in general.