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Best Things to Do for Ngabuburit in Jakarta

Best Things to Do for Ngabuburit in Jakarta

The holy month of Ramadan is often quoted as the most anticipated month for the majority of Muslims in the country who always look forward to this holy month. With the plethora of breakfasting cuisine that awaits you on the street and in malls, tons of activities to do before you break your fast are also available. But for those who long for a little adventure, and some energy to spare before breaking your fast, then perhaps these suggestions can best suit you and your family.

Best Things to Do for Ngabuburit in Jakarta

Visiting Jakarta’s Parks

Jakarta Park

Jakarta has many parks, yes that much is true! the city is not all about pollution and busy bystanders, but it also has some of the best greeneries a metropolitan has to offer. One that we would recommend you to visit the holy month is Suropati Park. Nestled smack-dab in the middle of the lavish Menteng vicinity, this park has so much to offer while you wait to break your fast, from art performance to musical performance.

Visiting Bendungan Hilir

Bendungan Hilir

For the best street food to break your fast, we highly recommend you go to Bendungan Hilir. Located just a stone’s throw away from the Semanggi roundabout, Bendungan Hilir (or Benhil for short) has so many options for you and your family to enjoy, from street culinary adventure to other things that will surely catch your attention.

Going to Sunda Kelapa Mosque


If you’re looking for Tak’jil, apart from Bendungan Hilir (and Jalan Sabang, mind you), Sunda Kelapa Mosque also has a wide variety of Tak’jil for you to enjoy. And if you’re new to the city, it’ll be good to learn about the city’s culinary traditions from this venue.

Wandering Taman Ismail Marzuki

Taman Ismail Marzuki

For those of you into art, visit Taman Ismail Marzuki in Cikini for anything from shopping bargain books to catching the latest blockbuster. Oh if you go here on a Sunday, you’ll be lucky to catch dance and theatrical performances being rehearsed on its park and foyers. Check their monthly schedule to catch something interesting.

Playing Around Kota Tua Jakarta (Jakarta Old Town)

Kota Tua Jakarta

Kota Tua Jakarta also known as Jakarta Old Town is a neighborhood comprising the original downtown area of Jakarta, Indonesia during the Oud Batavia (Dutch for “Old Batavia”). The site contains Dutch-style structures mostly dated from the 17th century when the port city served as the Asian headquarter of VOC during the heyday of the spice trade. The area spans 1.3 square kilometers between North Jakarta and West Jakarta. The largely Chinese downtown area of Glodok is a part of Kota Tua. Nowadays, many remaining historical buildings and architecture are steadily deteriorating, but some of the old buildings have been restored to their former glory.

Strolling Around Malls

Central Park Mall

Okay, going to the malls perhaps is rather passe, but this is Jakarta we’re talking about, and its people love a good dose of shopping, especially during the holy month of Ramadan due to its many sales and promotions. We recommend you to just go to any malls in Jakarta, make a visit to Central Park Mall. Apart from enjoying the good green park, you can also shop hard here.

Visiting Ancol


Visiting Ancol Dreamland has long been known as a community entertainment center in Jakarta. If you need something fun and adventurous activities to refresh your mind, Ancol Dreamland is the right place to go. Many attractions and exciting activities can be done here, with family or friends.

Light Exercising at Gelora Bung Karno

Gelora Bung Karno

Gelora Bung Karno is the largest and one of the oldest spot complexes in the heart of Jakarta. With an open-air space and many facilities including athletic tracks, tennis courts, and indoor gymnasiums, people can do light exercises here to kill time. It is open to the public, and the place always has many visitors of all ages, sometimes it can get too crowded but still enjoyable.

Exploring Sabang Street

This popular tourist spot changes into the city’s best culinary adventure trail come Ramadan. Similar to Benhil, Jalan Sabang host the variety of traditional culinary delight during Ramadan. From your most beloved Tak’jil to steak dinner, this street has it all.