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The Best Hotels in Medan

As the third-largest and busiest city in Indonesia, Medan pulses with modern energy that visitors feel the moment they step onto its busy streets. Combine that with historic architecture and sites, mouthwatering food scenes, and dynamic life for business and leisure. As one of the most visited cities for business, leisure, and homecoming, the growth of the hotel business in Medan is surely surcharging.

To make it easier to find the best hotels to bed down, here is the list of the top-rated hotels in Medan.

Where Should We Stay in Bali?

“Where Should We Stay in Bali?”

I am often asked a lot by friends or acquaintances especially when it’s near holiday season. And my answers can be vary; really depending on what you like, who you’re travelling with, what are you looking for in this trip. A family getaway, a culinary trip, or maybe rave parties?

So to make it easy for everyone to share, here are some of my recommendations ~ Deisy Wong Will, Founder of What’s New Indonesia 

10 Best Villas In Bandung

Villa could be the best choice if you’d like to have a gathering or staycation with your whole family in Bandung. With so many villas in the city, we picked 10 of them with stylish and modern concepts, as well as equipped with complete facilities.


Known as one of the most popular tourist destinations in Indonesia, Bandung is actually a promising city as well. The city offers many career and business opportunities for expats. When you’re considering to move and have a long stay in Bandung, here are the best residential areas which are pretty convenient for expat to start a new life.

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