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Market Exploration for German Companies in the Field of Production Technology and Components for Medical Technology


Market Exploration for German Companies in the Field of Production Technology and Components for Medical Technology | 19 – 22 February 2024 | Jakarta

In June 2021, Indonesia introduced mandatory local content requirements of 40%. This affected more than 5,400 imported medical devices in 79 categories in the first phase. Products that did not meet these requirements were excluded from the e-catalogue of the public procurement agency LKPP. Public hospitals and clinics are no longer allowed to purchase these products. Instead, they must purchase and use locally produced alternatives that meet the required local content.  

To enter the Indonesian market, local and international medical technology suppliers will have to produce locally in the future. Manufacturers of components and production technology are needed to build this production capacity. In summary, by entering the Indonesian market, medical equipment and device manufacturers can tap into a large market and help Indonesia improve its quality of care.

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