this event is purely held, God willing, with the aim of raising funds where all proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to expand the construction of Griya Qur'an, Aytam and Tahsin Tahfid Qur'an Insan Permata Mulia Islamic Elementary School and also allocated to all projects under the AR RASYID FOUNDATION (SK KEMENKUMHAM AHU-0014065.AH.01.04 of 2019) and the Birrul Walidain Foundation (SK KEMENKUMHAM AHU-03437.50.10.2014), including: Ar Rahima Taklim Assembly, Friday Alms Movement, Humanitarian assistance with Merc for our brothers in Palestine, Syria and others.
Jakarta International Velodrome
Jl. Balap Sepeda No.35, RW.6, Jati, Kec. Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13220