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AmCham Services Committee Meeting January 2024


As promised, and also as much as possible in line with our regular Services Breakfast schedule, please enter, Wednesday, January 17, 2024, from 8 AM - 9.30 AM, for our next "around the table" exchange of information, expectations and concerns, into your calendars.

For regular participants in the services breakfast, there should be no surprise as far as the location of our next gathering is concerned, for potential newcomers, because of AmCham security regulations, we assure you that, after you register your attendance, you will be provided with the address, and this with sufficient time to prepare for a comfortable arrival.

Just to give potentially interested newcomers to the breakfast an idea of what we do, we tend to sit around a table big  enough to accomodate thirty plus representatives, from more than twenty different business sectors, casually exchanging information over a nice breakfast and with additional opportunities to establish valuable, personal contacts, going foward.

We normally have input from sectors like banking, insurance, security, real estate, the legal sector, tax consultants, information technology, the health sector, education, fowarding companies, retail and wholesale, manufactures, energy providers, a whole string of consultants, as well as the US Embassy, with an arrangement to, verbally, provide the latest updates over the breakfast, but afterwards, also in the form of a short, written summary. Finally, we take the temperature of the business environment, which will be especially of interest considering the coming elections, and potentially good or bad expectations for the coming year.

For more information and book your spot :