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Come Visit the Best, Biggest, and Trusted Job Fair "MEGA CAREER EXPO"

Job Fair events in Indonesia are always crowded with jobseekers. This event is a forum that brings together various companies with Jobseekers or job seekers!!

Not infrequently, many jobseekers are willing to queue from the morning to be able to visit the job fair event. Many companies also take advantage of the momentum to find candidates that match the company's criteria.

Before going any further, do you know what the purpose of holding a Job Fair is? In addition to the perceived benefits of both parties, namely the company and job seekers. The general goal itself is, of course, to minimize the unemployment rate through increasing the placement of workers.

This Job Fair event is also a complete package for those of you who are looking for work. The Job Seekers will later meet with hundreds of companies, in addition to that the recruitment process can be carried out on the spot with on-the-spot interview sessions. For those of you who are still confused about the world of work, visiting a Job Fair event can be a destination where you can broaden your knowledge about various fields of work and various companies.

During the pandemic, many Job Fair events turned into online Job Fairs. The pandemic conditions are getting better plus the PPKM (Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities) which was recently repealed in early 2023 has made this Job Fair event held again directly.

Well, for those of you who are looking for work. The Job Fair event which will be held on 24-25 February 2023 at the Smesco Jakarta Building. Make sure you are part of the Best, Biggest, and Trusted Job Fair event MEGA CAREER EXPO 2023. Register yourself first via the registration link at See you at Mega Career Expo 2023!!