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Thoughtful Hampers, Where Dream & Elegance Unite in Beautiful Harmony


The Holiday Season is often associated with warmth and joy shared with family, relatives, and business associates. This can be expressed through gestures of affection, such as gifts, as a form of the warmth of this holiday season.

In welcoming the Holiday Season, Ann's Bakehouse & Creamery has prepared 5 varieties of DREAMLANNS hampers featuring signature pastries and Ann's Holiday Tea that will add warmth and affection to your business relationships in celebrating the Holiday Season. The hampers design with an elegant and dreamy Ann's Garden theme makes each hampers leave a grand yet warm impression. So that Ann's loyal customer's families, relatives, and business associates can feel #WarmthInEveryGift.

DREAMLANNS offers 5 varieties of hampers, namely:

  1. Annsclusive Hampers: 4 large size cookie jars, 2 small size cookie jar, 1 pc of Ann's Peppermint Tea Tube, 1 pc of Ann's Chamomile Tea Tube, and 1 pc of Ann's Holiday Tea Pot.

  2. Ann's Grande Hampers: 2 large size cookie jar, 3 small size cookie jar, and 1 package of Ann's Holiday Set (1 pc mug, 1 pc Tea Bag, and 1 pc Gold Spoon)

  3. Ann's Classic Hampers: 1 large size cookie jar, 3 small size cookie jar, and 1 pc of Ann's Holiday Pouch

  4. Ann's Petite Hampers: 4 small size cookie jar

  5.  Ann's Gift Set:  2 small size cookie jar

"DREAMLANNS is the latest creation that enriches Ann's 9-year journey in the world of hampers. With the theme #WarmthInEveryGift, we hope to fulfill all the needs of our B2B partners, strengthening relationships both personally and in the business realm. Additionally, we are proud to introduce #Ann1ndonesia, a delivery service program for customers with associates outside Jakarta. This ensures that the warmth and joy encapsulated in every Dreamlanns hampers can be received with love across every corner of Indonesia," stated Bushido Bintari, CEO of Ann's Bakehouse & Creamery.

Online purchases are now easier than ever. Hampers can be ordered conveniently through Additionally, we offer our internal courier service, Ann's Delivery Service, ensuring safer and secure deliveries. You can utilize this courier service for purchases from Ann's Bakehouse & Creamery Stores, through customer service WhatsApp chat, and online purchases from our website



Ann's Bakehouse & Creamery Sambas

Jl. Sungai Sambas III No. 12, Kebayoran, Jakarta Selatan.

WhatsApp : +62 811 114 960
