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Grey Art Gallery Enlivens the Braga Artistic Area

The presence of Grey Art Gallery in Braga, Bandung, West Java, has further confirmed that Kasawan has become one of the centers for the development of painting. Many painters grew up and have memories on Braga Street.

Grey Art Gallery was initiated by Elia Yoesman, Grace Christianti, and Jessica Wijaya based on their interest in the world of fine arts. During the preparation and development process, they were assisted by Angga Atmadilaga, Arya Sudarajat and Hani Handayani.

Grey Art

At the first GREY event, the theme Hitam. (with dots and italics) was chosen as the theme of the exhibition which generally offers simplicity in establishing a point of departure, namely from the term black to a wider window of meaning. The participation of most of the exhibitors was obtained through the open-call method. The open call method itself can be understood as a participation program in an activity that is open to be followed by the wider public through the selection of works. The purpose of implementing an open call is to open up the widest opportunity for artists who are outside of the observation range to show the potential of their creative works. This open call was attended by 800 artists, who were selected to become 112 artists with various media, including Drawing, Painting, Installation Art, Sculpture, Printmaking, Video Art, and also Performance art. Apart from the artists who passed the selection, they also presented 17 invited artists who were selected and directly curated by Aminudin TH Siregar who acted as the curator of the exhibition.

Grey Art

The invited artists are Andreas Camelia, Dedy Shofianto, Dedy Suherdi, Deden H. Durahman, Diyanto, Dolorosa Sinaga, Erwin Windu Pranata, Garis Edelweiss, Isa Perkasa, J.A. Pramuhendra, Krishnamurti Suparka, Louise Henryette, Mujahiddin Nurahman, Patriot Mukmin, Yasmine Aminanda, Yogie Achmad Ginanjar, and Zamrud Setya Negara.

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The hope for this event is for the existence of the Grey Art Gallery in the Braga area. It is hoped that the gallery can add to the vibrant atmosphere of art in this area which has a unique art history as part of a Bandung city tour. As a new creative space in Bandung, the presence of Gray Art Gallery is intended to be a catalyst for the development of the arts ecosystem in the city of Bandung, therefore in the future program design, they formulate several activity agendas including Open Exhibitions through the Open Call channel, Artist residency activities, Cross-city artist exchange programs and Country. Creative classes/workshops for the public, cultural and arts discussions, as well as collaboration programs that involve various communities. This is designed as a strategy to bring art closer to its viewers so that works of art are closer by offering a pleasant experience. This strategy is also expected to change the way we consume and understand art better.

Grey Art Gallery
Jl. Braga No.47, Bandung
P: 0812-2288-4747