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CISO Indonesia


As the fourth largest internet user in the world, Indonesia is experiencing an increased number of cyber attacks, with many of these attacks targeting critical infrastructure, financial institutions, and goverment agencies. Some of the common types of cyber attacks in Indonesia included phishing, malware, ransomware, and D Dos attacks. Organisations are still struggling to figure out the best ways to detect and respond to cyber threats.

Corinium's Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Indonesia, happening in Pullman Jakarta on Wednesday, 29 November 2023, will be addressing the latest developments in IT infrastructure, the ecosystem, by-in culture, and effective cybersecurity strategies.

For more information and registration click here


Pullman Jakarta Indonesia Thamrin CBD

Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 59, Kec. Menteng, Jakarta.

Phone : (021) 31921111

