Ngabuburit is originally a Sundanese word, which means to seek amusement and distractions from hunger and thirst while waiting for the day's fast to end at dusk, which has become a tradition in Indonesia. If you happen to be in Bandung during the holy month of Ramadan, Whether hunting for a portion of good food to break the fast or just sightseeing, here are some recommendations for places to spend time during ngabuburit in Bandung.
Spot Rekomendasi Ngabuburit di Bandung
Every year Dipatiukur area gets busier. This term deserves to be pinned on this one hot area. Various cafes, restaurants, and street vendors keep popping up here. Therefore, when the holy month of Ramadan arrives, Dipatiukur can be a place to hunt takjil while ngabuburit. Dimsum, assorted fried snacks, pecel, seafood, and other various snacks can be found here.
Lengkong Kecil
Even though it is located in the middle of the city, this area was really quiet before the pandemic. However, in 2021 the Government gave this area a permit as a night culinary area. Since then, this area has been crowded and busy. Ngabuburit here means that you can choose a variety of delicious foods to break your fast. From dimsum, angkringan, to all-you-can-eat BBQ are all here. Don't miss Steak Si Mantan, which can be your food option for breaking fast.
Pasar Gempol
This market is really hyped among young people in Bandung or tourists. You can find many food vendors from the hottest stalls right now to the legendary food stalls. You can break your fast at some of the hit places like Los Tropis and Roti Cane Gempol, or break your fast with legendary Bandung staple food like Kupat Tahu Gempol and Roti Gempol.
Pasar Cihapit
Besides Pasar Gempol, Pasar Cihapit area is also in great demand for ngabuburit. You can find various Cihapit legendary foods for breaking the fast such as Surabi Cihapit, Ayam Cobek Cihapit, and Kue Balok Cihapit. You can also choose to break your fast at new spots here, such as Gang Nikmat, Los Tropis Cihapit, Bakmi Tjokin, and Seroja Bake.
This area is also one of the most popular spots to hang out. You can find various kinds of food stalls and drinks for takjil here. Not only food, what makes the PUSDAI Mosque area so attractive is the clothes and shoe vendors that come at low prices. So you can thrift here while waiting for iftar time.
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Alun-Alun Kota Bandung
After being revamped, Alun-Alun Kota Bandung now appears as a pretty spot in town. Equipped with synthetical grass, you can spend your ngabuburit time while sitting and chilling around with your friends or family. As this place is located near Braga street, you can also have some fun moment at the stalls there and enjoying the various Takjil selections. Alun-Alun Kota Bandung is also one of the most wanted places to enjoy sumptuous Bandung street foods.
Taman Babakan Siliwangi

Babakan Siliwangi Bandung is a city park or green open space in Bandung which also called Baksil by locals. As one of the biggest green areas in Bandung, this spot is perfect for ngabuburit as the weather is completely refreshing. Coming to Taman Babakan Siliwiangi, you can explore the forest walk by walking or cycling. Ngabuburit with jogging in this area could be a great choice as well.
Braga Street

Braga Street is always a must-visit spot in Bandung even during Ramadan. There are plenty of activities you can do here while ngabuburit. Ranging from walking around and enjoying the vintage vibe along the way, watching street performances, buy paintings, to photo hunting. During Ramadan, there are usually small food stalls sell the city's favorite snacks and comfort foods.
Lapangan Gasibu

If you are the type of person who likes exercising until iftar time hits, Lapangan Gasibu can be a suitable place to hang out. After the renovation, Gasibu has become a sports field that can be used by the public. The running track is also very comfortable to use. When it's time to break the fast, you just have to look at the surrounding area because there are lots of takjil vendors scattered around. You can go to Dipatiukur, Cisangkuy, or Cimandiri which are quite close from here.