Maranatha Christian University made a breakthrough by holding the “Nava Sajiva” Experience Space 2025 event, February 12-16, 2025. The opening ceremony was held on February 12, 2025 at Paskal 23 Shopping Center, Bandung.
The event, which was held for the first time in Bandung, showcased “experience spaces” designed by four renowned Indonesian interior designers and architects, namely Revano Satria (RSI Group International), Sora Annisa (SA Studio), Angelina Deviana (Verich Design), and Tara Claudia (Boon Studio).

Yudita Royandi, S.T., S.Ds., M.Ds., HDII, Vice Chairperson of the Nava Sajiva 2025 Committee said that the Nava Sajiva experience space will provide a special experience for visitors.
“This experience space is built to provide visual, audial, tactile, and other experiences, which can be felt right away, and can even bring memories to the past,” she explained.

The designs of the four designers are realized in the form of interior spaces on a one-to-one scale, using selected materials and furniture from well-known national and international brands.
During the five-day event, visitors can experience the experience spaces directly, to get a unique space experience according to the concept proposed by each designer.

In addition, visitors could also participate in various talk shows and discussions on the topics of interior design, architecture, and technology. The series of events were also filled with stage performances performed by students of the activity unit as well as students from several schools around Bandung.
Collaboration and Novelty
Nava Sajiva is a collaborative event, involving the academic world from the fields of design, architecture, engineering, to information technology. This event is also the result of collaboration with industry, practitioners and professionals, as well as professional associations.

The name “Nava Sajiva” was chosen to represent the spirit of collaboration and novelty presented throughout the event. Derived from Sanskrit, Nava means new, current, modern, while Sajiva (Sajeeva) means alive, vibrant.
Maranatha Christian University through the Faculty of Humanities and Creative Industries and the Faculty of Smart Technology and Engineering together with all industry partners, practitioners, and professional associations strives to present the spirit of novelty through cross-party collaboration in Nava Sajiva 2025 activities.

“Maranatha strongly supports collaboration not only across fields of science, but also multiple parties. Today we can experience Maranatha's collaboration with Indonesia's top industries and even international brands,” said Prof. Ir. Sri Widiyantoro, Ph.D., IPU, Rector of Maranatha Christian University.

Collaborative activities such as Nava Sajiva are expected to spur innovation and support the development of the creative industry, especially in Bandung and West Java. “Universities can be a motor for development and innovation, which can support the creative industry to advance even more,” said Prof. Sri.
Meanwhile, Iwan Santosa, S.T., M.Kom., MIPR, Head of Media, Communication, and Public Relations of Maranatha said that Nava Sajiva Experience Space 2025 is an inaugural event that will be a matter of mutual pride.

“A massive collaboration like this can be a manifestation of tridarma that has a good impact on many parties. One of them is that students can feel involved in working with professional designers, directly interacting in projects that involve the industry directly,” he said.
One of those involved in the design process with designers is Alfiero Mikasrio, a student of Maranatha's Interior Design Undergraduate Program. He claimed to have gained a lot of knowledge from his experience working in this Nava Sajiva event.

“I was able to interact directly with leading designers, help create 3D modeling, gain knowledge on how to make BOQ (bill of quantity), how to communicate with contractors, how designers respond to problems on site, and much more,” he said.
Besides Alfiero, there were seven other students who had the opportunity to work directly alongside the four designers. They were also involved as designers of the entrance, stage, VIP lounge, and flooring in the atrium area of Paskal 23, with the guidance and supervision of their lecturer, Lisa Levina K. Jonathan, A.Md.Li., S.Sn., M.Ds.

“The eight people were directly involved with the four designers, but the total number of students divided into various divisions is much more,” Iwan said. Furthermore, he said that the importance of collaboration was also felt by the industries and associations that became partners or sponsors.
A dozen well-known brands participated, including MOIEHAUS, Roman, TACO, and Smart Home Technology (HOMETECH). Support was also provided by professional associations, namely the Indonesian Architects Association (IAI) and the Indonesian Interior Designers Association (HDII).
“Along with the spirit of Nava Sajiva, which is the spirit of novelty and innovation, hopefully this grand event can bring new experiences to Bandung residents, as well as spark innovation and creativity in the middle of this creative city,” concluded Iwan.
Maranatha Christian University
Jl. Surya Sumantri No.65, Bandung
P: (022) 2012186