Unfortunately, we live in a world where not all countries have the optimal education system. Heaps of factors come into play. But this distressing fact doesn’t hinder the possibilities for individuals of various backgrounds to gain the education they deserve. It could be through scholarship programmes formed by education centres abroad or in the home country.
A country's education system is not only a vital impact on the progress of a country but also sets the foundation of future generations within. The world’s educational sphere is favourably reachable nowadays. Let’s unravel the countries with the best education systems.
World’s Best Education Systems
The UK

Home to many refined and famous universities, the UK retains some of the best educational institutions. Think Oxford and Cambridge. Moreover, the UK enforces compulsory learning from the age of 5 to 16 years with four stages of the curriculum that have been specially prepared.

The USA bears the critically acclaimed Ivy League schools that most aspiring students from all around the world strive to be inclusive. Plus, the public education system is largely funded through federal and state property taxes. This proves that the USA prioritises and ensures quality education for its local and foreign citizens.

Finland adheres to a rare education system that works just effectively. Students undergo shorter school hours while teachers implement relatively calmer teaching and learning methods. This is to enforce sufficient efforts for students to absorb knowledge taught at school. Furthermore, Finland’s educational institutions are equipped with a quality workforce.

The study arrangement for educational stages in Japan is similar to other Asian countries; six years of primary school, three years of junior high school, and three years of high school. Yet, Japan’s education quality still outperforms the rest. With the high interest of Japanese citizens in learning, almost 98 percent of the population completes their education until they finish high school.
South Korea

The education model applied by South Korea imposes a study time of seven working days. With this education system, the literacy rate in South Korea continues to increase and even reaches 97.9 percent.