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Top Universities in The Netherlands

Top Universities in The Netherlands

The Netherlands is a European country flocked by international tourists as well as students. Dutch higher education is notable due to its numerous scholarship opportunities and its interactive and student-centred teaching style.

Considering hundreds of English-taught Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD programmes are available in the country, you have a greater chance of pursuing your higher education in this country encompassed in diversity and exquisite nature. Let's take a look at the top universities in the Netherlands.

Top Universities in The Netherlands

University of Amsterdam 

Top Universities in The Netherlands
Photo Credit: Eu Gateway

Founded in 1632, the University of Amsterdam (UvA) is the third oldest university in the Netherlands. Ranked in the top 50 universities in the world, UvA is a reputable choice for the arts, humanities, and social sciences fields of study. This university is also widely chosen by international students because it has complete educational facilities and programmes.


Utrecht University

Top Universities in The Netherlands
Photo Credit: Horizons

Located in Utrecht, this public university is included in the ranks of favourite universities among international students due to its various educational programs executed in English. The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences is highly favoured in Utrecht University as it provides six disciplines, such as interdisciplinary social sciences, cultural anthropology, educational sciences, pedagogical sciences, psychology, and also sociology.


Erasmus University Rotterdam

Top Universities in The Netherlands
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The prestigious public university in the dynamic and diverse city of Rotterdam has a namesake from a 15th-century Christian humanist and theologian named Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus. The university has seven faculties that focus on four areas, namely health, finance, governance, and culture.


Delft University of Technology

Top Universities in The Netherlands
Photo Credit: Mecanoo

As the oldest and largest technical university in the Netherlands, top education and research are at its core. Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is one of the universities established as an academy for civil engineers. The university, based in Mekelpark, has a very corroborative environment for lecture activities and international students engrossed in 16 faculties.


Leiden University

Top Universities in The Netherlands
Photo Credit: Library Journal

Leiden University has a respectable reputation among other institutions in the Netherlands as it is one of the country’s leading research universities. Being the oldest university in the Netherlands, since its establishment in 1575, Leiden University has seven faculties in the arts, sciences and social sciences, spread over locations in Leiden and The Hague. It is famed for its alumni consisting of the world's leading politicians, leaders, scholars, philosophers, and cultural figures.


Wageningen University

Top Universities in The Netherlands
Photo Credit: Fluence LED

This university specially focuses on agricultural and environmental sciences situated near Amsterdam and the German border. It has been reputed as one of the best universities in the world for science and social sciences. The university offers 20 different Undergraduate programmes and 29 Master's programmes.


University of Twente

Top Universities in The Netherlands
Photo Credit: Love That Design

This is the only all-in campus in the country located in Enschede. It features complete and quality lecture programmes. There are several faculties at the University of Twente, including Biomedical and Health Technology, Engineering, European Public Administration, IT, International Business Administration, Behavioural Sciences, as well as Science and Technology. English is the main language of instruction used in teaching and learning activities in this public research university.
