This Mid-Autumn, create cherished moments and embrace the spirit of festivities with an exquisite selection of handcrafted mooncakes by the renowned culinary team at Wah Lok Cantonese Restaurant and the pastry team at Carlton Hotel Singapore. Savour exquisite mooncake flavours and premium quality, blending timeless baked classics with innovative snow skin creations to tantalise your palate. Each bite is a testament to the finest quality and craftsmanship. With an abundance of options
to choose from, the collection promises a delightful journey for everyone. Carlton Hotel Singapore introduces two new exciting mini snowskin flavours this year, the Mini Hawthorn Cranberry Snowskin (迷你山 楂蔓越莓饼皮) and the Coconut Yam(迷你椰 香芋 冰皮 ). The Mini Hawthorn Cranberry Snowskin is a petite masterpiece featuring a vibrant contrast of sweet hawthorn paste and tangy cranberries encased in a cloud-like snowskin. Indulge in the delectable delight that promises a taste of culinary experience. These mouthwatering blend of flavours offers a delightful counterpoint to beloved classics.

Return by popular demand, the perennial favourite Mini Mao Shan Wang Snowskin Mooncake (迷 你猫山王榴莲冰皮) is expertly crafted with pure durian flesh, boasting a rich bittersweet complexity nestled within a soft, delicate snowskin.
The baked mooncake collection showcases a blend of time-honoured tradition and innovative creations. Indulge in the rich, velvety smoothness of Red Lotus Paste with Double Yolk (传统双黄莲蓉), or savour the delicate sweetness of the low sugar White Lotus Paste ( 传 统 低 糖 白 莲 蓉 ) that promises guilt-free enjoyment without compromising on taste. For a symphony of textures and flavours, the Traditional Mixed Nuts( 传统伍仁 ) boasts a golden crust that complements its rich filling of assorted nuts and seeds. From the rich nuttiness of walnuts to the sweetness of melon seeds, it is a delightful accompaniment to your mid-autumn celebration. An annual bestselling item, the Mini Walnut Moontart with Egg Yolk ( 迷 你 蛋 黄 核 桃 月 酥 ) continues to captivate discerning palates.
Meticulously handcrafted, each tart boasts a buttery, flaky crust that cradles a sumptuous filling of lotus paste, walnuts, and creamy egg yolk. For those seeking lighter indulgence, the Mini Walnut Moontart also comes in a low-sugar, yolk-free option, ensuring satisfaction for every taste preference.

This year’s mooncake collection includes an intricately designed box inspired by the serene mountain landscapes in Chinese paintings. Designed with a purpose beyond consumption, the box's structure allows it to be repurposed into a jewellery box that enhances its functionality. Pre order the mooncakes online at from 1 July 2024. Booth collection at Carlton Hotel Lobby starts from 2 August 2024 to 17 September 2024; delivery and self-pickup options are available.
Alternatively, visit, contact the Hotel at 6349 1292 or email [email protected] for orders and enquiries.
Early Bird Promotion
1 July to 31 August 2024: 30% off for all mooncakes
1 September to 17 September 2024: 25% off for 1 to 30 boxes
30% off for 31 boxes and above
Discount is applicable to prices before prevailing government taxes.
Mooncake Booth (Hotel Lobby, Level 1)
Collection Date & Time: 2 August to 17 September 2024, 11am to 7pm
Last day for pre-order: 8 September 2024
∙ 60 boxes and above: Free local delivery to one location
∙ Below 60 boxes: $65 nett per location delivery charge applies
Please allow 5 working days to process orders above 10 boxes.
Please see Appendix A for the full mooncake selection and prices.