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Fintopia Indonesia Expands Financial Inclusion for 16 Million Users in 5 Years

During its fifth-anniversary celebration, the leading financial technology (fintech) company Fintopia Indonesia announced that they had served more than 16 million users in Indonesia. At the event, more than 500 guests celebrated Fintopia's positive impact and contribution to financial inclusion in Indonesia.

Fintopia Indonesia offers financial products and services through Easycash, the leading digital credit platform in the archipelago. Fintopia also continues to advance Indonesia's digital ecosystem by introducing the latest financial technology and collaborations with strategic partners.

Dr. Jonathan Chang, CEO of Fintopia Indonesia, said that since its establishment in Indonesia in 2017, the company, which prioritizes machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI)-based technologies, has aimed to become the leading digital partner for Indonesia's digital ecosystem, which includes users and business partners.

Dr. Jonathan Chang (CEO Fintopia Indonesia)
Dr. Jonathan Chang (CEO Fintopia Indonesia)

"For five years, Fintopia Indonesia has witnessed significant growth in Indonesia's digital ecosystem, including the financial technology industry. Fintopia is proud to have contributed to this growth by offering financial technology products and services that not only impact the ecosystem, but also expand financial inclusion in Indonesia. Since its arrival, Fintopia has disbursed a total of IDR 19.7 trillion in loans to 2.7 million Easycash borrowers,” said Dr.
Jonathan in the midst of celebrating the five years of Fintopia's presence in Indonesia.

The company’s achievement has helped boost Indonesia’s financial inclusion rate. The National Financial Literacy and Inclusion Survey (SNLIK) from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) shows that financial inclusion has reached 85.10% in 2022, up from 76.19% in 2019.

Fintopia is also helping to strengthen Indonesia's digital ecosystem by nurturing young talents’ technology expertise. Data from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) shows that every year, Indonesia needs 600 thousand digital talents who will become the driving force behind the country's digital ecosystem.

"We employ hundreds of young Indonesian talents, of which 58% of our employees are women who occupy various strategic positions. High female participation is important for diversity not only in Fintopia, but also in the Indonesian digital industry," said Dr. Jonathan.

Dr. Jonathan Chang (CEO Fintopia) & Dr. Rini Setiowati (BINUS)

Currently, Fintopia Indonesia employs more than 460 employees, 99% of whom are Indonesian citizens (WNI). Interestingly, the Fintopia team is dominated by young talents with an average age of 27 years.

The company also works with various institutions, including OJK, AFPI, BINUS Business School, and Padjadjaran University to provide digital inclusion training for the general public and students.

In its fifth year, Fintopia has strengthened its leadership ranks by recruiting Dr. Jonathan Chang as the new CEO, as well as Ambassador H.E. Nadjib Riphat Kesoema and Jimmy Gani as senior advisors. Dr. Jonathan has experience working in global technology companies like Google and Shopify. Ambassador Nadjib is a diplomat who won a prestigious award from Belgium and served as Ambassador to Australia. Jimmy previously served as CEO of Sarinahand IPMI International Business School.

Dr Jonathan Chang (CEO Fintopia) & Prof. Ir. Hendarmawan, M. Sc (UNPAD)

Fintopia Indonesia CEO added that the company would maintain its commitment to empowering Indonesia's digital ecosystem by collaborating with more business partners, especially lenders.

"Improving user experience is core to Fintopia's strategy in winning the Indonesian market. One of the ways that Fintopia is trying to achieve this is by engaging with more institutional retail lenders, such as banks. Currently, we are actively working with individual lenders," said Dr. Jonathan.

Implementing innovative technology is also a fundamental part of improving the quality of products and services. Therefore, Fintopia plans to continue enhancing the platform's machine learning and AI technologies so that loans can be processed more quickly and efficiently.

"Fintopia’s mission is to strengthen Indonesia's standing in the global technology ecosystem. By bringing in the latest technology, Fintopia facilitates technology transfer between global and local digital ecosystems," he said.