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EDUCATION Features in Bali

Stay informed about Bali's latest education news and updates: From schools to learning opportunities, explore the educational landscape in Bali with our comprehensive guide.

Tumpek Krulut; Bali's Day of Love and Musical Celebration

Often referred to as the 'Valentine's Day' of the Balinese Hindus, Tumpek Krulut holds a s

Feast in Unity and Equality: Balinese Megibung Tradition

The enchanting island of Bali is not only renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and vib

The Mystical Legend of Balinese Calon Arang and Its Spellbinding Performance

The mystical allure of Balinese culture is epitomized by many folklores, one of which is t

Balinese Odalan Celebrations: Weaving the Fabric of Culture, Devotion, and Unity

Among numerous facets of Balinese Hinduism, the Odalan ceremonies stand out as captivating

Unveiling the Mysteries of Lontar: Balinese Ancient Manuscript

In the heart of Bali, the ancient tradition of Lontar has woven a tapestry of wisdom that

Omkara: The Sacred Symphony of Balinese Hinduism

In the enchanting realm of Bali, where spirituality intertwines seamlessly with everyday l

Bovine Grand Prix: The Thrilling History of 'Makepung' Ceremony

In the verdant landscapes of Bali's Jembrana Regency, a centuries-old tradition unfolds wi

Gebogan: Balinese Vibrant Offering For God

Bali’s tradition of Gebogan emerges as a vibrant expression of the island's rich Hindu her

Tri Hita Karana: Navigating Harmony in Balinese Life

In the heart of Bali’s vibrant traditions, a unique cultural philosophy has withstood the

Sacred Sanctuaries: Exploring the Spiritual Aspect of 'Sanggah'

Every Balinese Hindu household boasts a sacred haven known as the Sanggah, or Merajan.

Sway, Majestic Arch: Unveiling the Splendor of Balinese Penjor

If you come to Bali around the time of ‘Galungan and Kuningan’ day, you will be treated to