Wotawati Hamlet is known as a hamlet with various unique features in one corner of Yogyakarta. This hamlet is isolated because it is part of Pucung Village, Girisubo District, Gunungkidul Regency, approximately 74 kilometers from the center of Yogyakarta.
This hamlet is also special because it is located in a valley which is a trace of the flow of the Ancient Bengawan Solo River.
The name Wotawati Hamlet has gone viral because it is currently being developed into an integrated tourist village area. Wotawati Hamlet is designed in a colossal style a la the Majapahit and Mataram kingdoms, considering the potential of the hamlet in the form of an attractive valley village landscape and the livelihoods of its residents in the agricultural sector which can be a separate tourist attraction.
In terms of location, this hamlet is also special because it is located in a valley which is a trace of the flow of the Ancient Bengawan Solo River. Because of this unique geographical location, Wotawati Hamlet is also famous for its sunrise phenomenon which is later than other areas, so it gets minimal exposure to sunlight. In this hamlet, the sun can only be seen around 09.00 WIB and sets around 16.30 WIB.
"We see a different tourism potential than other places because this hamlet is the only hamlet in the Bengawan Solo Purba Valley. In terms of natural and geographical landscape, it is interesting because it is flanked by hills, so exposure to sunlight is quite minimal, maybe only for 8 hours every day," said Estu Dwiyono, Head of Pucung Village.
Not only that, the uniqueness of Wotawati Hamlet, and the village layout is also interesting. Every two to four houses on the right left front, and back have connecting road access. The roads in Wotawati can be likened to a labyrinth of alleys in modern housing today.
"These roads are waterways or drainage channels that are then used for roads in Wotawati. This is a pioneering idea to prevent flooding in settlements in Wotawati Hamlet."
Based on stories from the elders in Wotawati hamlet, it is said that the first residents to set foot there were two fugitives from the Majapahit Kingdom named Raden Joko Sukmo and Nyi Arum Sukmawati. The two then lived in the Putri Cave which is now Wotawait Hamlet.
To survive, Raden Joko Sukmo and Nyi Arum Sukmawati came down from the cave to look for land to farm. To do this, the two had to cross a small river that used to be there, so they made a wot from bamboo which was used to cross.
While crossing, Nyi Arum Sukmawati slipped and was saved by Raden Joko Sukmo. After being saved, Nyi Arum said that who knows when the place will become a hamlet or hamlet. So Wotawati Hamlet became, where the word Wotawati is taken from the wot that was made to cross and the figure who crossed it and slipped named Sukmawati.
Wotawati Hamlet Chief Roby Sugihastanto said that Wotawati Hamlet is probably around 200 years old.

Wotawati received Danais in 2023
Seeing the many potentials, the village then submitted a proposal to the Special Region Paniradya regarding the development of the Wotawati Hamlet integrated area. This proposal was approved and received Danais (Special Region Fund) of IDR 5 billion in 2023. Starting in mid-2024, physical work has been carried out and the allocation of funds is used for document preparation, fence construction, pendopo construction, and house facades.
"With the construction of this integrated area in Wotawati, we are not only building the physical but will prepare human resources. Most importantly, tourism development in Wotawati does not change the livelihoods of the population, 90% of whom are farmers."
The concept of arrangement
The concept is to adjust to existing conditions that are already modern. For the fence using the acculturation design between Majapahit Mataram plan and Gunungkidul Regency, the main material used is red brick in the form of Lar Badak Gate. The concept of the facade or front of the house is adjusted to the fence in the form of terracotta and red brick.