A distinguished Psychologist, Clinical Sexologist, and TEDx Speaker. Dr. Marianetti's has conducted a two-decade-long international journey in the realm of psychology and human behavior. His unique fusion of psychology-led methodologies and ancient wellness practices has set him on a path to guide individuals towards unlocking their true potential. The founder of OM-Wellness and a seasoned facilitator invites you to delve into the depths of the mind, body, and emotions. In this exclusive interview, we unravel Dr. Marianetti's holistic approach, the OM-Wellness framework, and gain insights into his involvement in the upcoming COMO Shambhala Estate event this December. Prepare to embrace a new chapter of vitality, purpose, and self-awareness as we explore the transformative power of his experiential teachings!
The OM-Wellness Experience: A Deep Dive into Psychology and Holistic Healing with Dr. Oberdan Marianetti
1. Can you tell us more about your journey in becoming a Clinical Sexologist and Psychologist, and how your extensive experience in both corporate and independent settings has shaped your approach to helping individuals with relationship and sexuality challenges?
I have forever been curious to understand why people behave the way they do, and even as a child, I would often find myself pondering the motives behind people’s behaviors. That curiosity never left me and eventually developed into a keen study of the human psyche and the exploration of what makes for a fulfilling and satisfying life. I naturally progressed into formal studies and completed my Bachelor and Master’s degrees in Psychology, in the UK, and a Doctorate in Clinical Sexology in the USA. I first applied Psychology in corporate settings, being an in-house Psychologists for global companies, and for many years I worked on projects spanning from one-to-one Executive Coaching, all the way to organization-wide Leadership Development and Culture Change programs as Global Head of Learning and Organizational Development. Eight years ago, I pursued my calling to help people heal by setting up my private, clinical practice. I help individuals and couples heal from trauma, depression, addictions, and relationship challenges by helping them reconnect to their purpose and develop healthier self-worth. Throughout this journey, I realized that what is common to many of the challenges that clients face is a fundamental departure from their own values, needs, and purpose. In many cases, clients have spent such a long time complying with requests from the outside world that they literally forgot who they were or what they needed. Today, in my clinical practice, retreats, and educational programs, I mostly focus on helping clients develop a strong and healthy sense of self-worth. This forms the foundation for changes that they can then apply to heal their traumas, get rid of crippling addictions, or develop healthier relationships.

2. The OM-Wellness Process you've designed combines psychology-led processes with breathwork, yoga movement, guided meditation, and cold exposure. How did you conceptualize and develop this unique and innovative approach to helping people break through their limiting beliefs and rediscover a life of purpose?
In 2017, I had a range of unexpected and highly traumatic experiences happening concurrently within the space of a few months. It was a deeply taxing period that took me to the brink of my own boundaries and had me even considering the idea of suicide. When I woke up from the stupor that resulted from those events, I realized I had a lot of work to do to recover and get back to a version of myself that could continue to add value to the world. I therefore decided to apply the knowledge and skills I acquired along the way to help myself reset my physical and mental health. For about 18 months, I experimented with myself, introducing new, small routines to my daily life that ranged from eating different foods to setting up a healthier sleep regime to daily ice-baths, breathwork, and exercise. I coupled these practices with psychotherapy, which I attended weekly, as well as self-reflection and sharing with some close friends. At the end of the 18 months, I felt great again. I was at my healthiest body-weight, fitness, strength, and mobility in the last 10 years. I felt motivated, excited, and hopeful about life. One day, as I was pondering the journey I had just gone through, I remember having this thought, “Wow, I feel so lucky to be alive and to have had the knowledge and skills to recover fully! Hold on a second; most people don’t have access to this knowledge and skills, and during therapy sessions, I cannot practically replicate what I did with myself in the last 18 months. I wonder if there is a way to package this approach into a teachable experience," and that is how the OM-Wellness process began. I spent an additional 18 months developing the approach, and I eventually tested it with a group of 11 volunteers. Their feedback was so overwhelmingly positive that it motivated me to offer the process as an open program.
Eight years ago, I pursued my calling to help people heal by setting up my private, clinical practice. I help individuals and couples heal from trauma, depression, addictions, and relationship challenges by helping them reconnect to their purpose and develop healthier self-worth.
3. You are a certified Wim Hof Method and Oxygen Advantage Instructor. How have these certifications influenced your approach to wellness and the techniques you incorporate into the OM-Wellness Process?
As a young man, I always enjoyed sports and physical activity, especially when in nature. My Army days consolidated my love for physical challenge and nature, and since leaving, I have set myself physical and mental challenges for most of the years. The Wim Hof Method (WHM) first showed up in my life around 2015, when a video was presented to me online as a suggestion for something I may be interested to watch. I eventually watched the video and realized there were scientific, peer-reviewed studies supporting the positive impact this cold immersion method could have on one’s health. Thereafter, my natural curiosity took over. I first started practicing alone, following the limited guidance available online at the time. Eventually I decided to sign up for the WHM course and completed all levels, all the way to becoming an instructor. I discovered the Oxygen Advantage (OA) method later, when talking to some fellow WHM practitioners who had explored new wellness techniques to complement their learnings. The positive influence of these methods was evident in my own life soon after I started practicing them. My energy levels were higher, my sleep had improved, and I generally felt calmer. It therefore felt natural to integrate these techniques in my daily practice when I hit rock bottom in 2017. The combination of my psychology expertise, the WHM, the OA, yoga and other life skills acquired along the way, proved to be a winning formula for my recovery. What is particularly powerful about them, is that they are all natural and accessible to most people who are without major health conditions. Once learnt, we can apply them free of charge, any time when necessary.

4. In your role as a speaker and workshop facilitator, how do you tailor your presentations and workshops to best engage your audience and help them achieve transformative experiences?
It is my belief that when engaging with others, everyone desires to be seen, heard, and understood. When I am preparing for a talk, a seminar, a workshop, or a retreat, I spend a considerable amount of time thinking about the audience. I imagine myself in their shoes. I try to connect to their motivation for being at that talk on that topic. I imagine their life situation and the likely questions that emerge within them. When I feel sufficiently connected to that image, I shape my messages around it. Thereafter, it is a fully organic process. I loosely hold to the plan I formulated when preparing the talk because I mostly want to focus on feeling, seeing, and hearing the audience live. The energy in the room, their questions, their body language, and their gaze each act as a barometer that tells me whether participants feel like I am talking to them rather than at them. It is this personalized experience that helps them access their own mind and feelings and supports them to create the necessary transformation every step of the way during my programs and retreats.
5. Could you share some insights into the benefits of cold exposure and how it fits into the broader OM-Wellness framework? How does it contribute to the mind-body connection and overall wellness?
There is mounting, credible, scientific evidence for the benefits of cold-exposure, both as it pertains to physical as well as mental health. These benefits can readily be felt when practicing regularly. This is why I set myself up with a converted chest freezer at home and practice cold-exposure daily. In relation to my programs, cold exposure is used more as a tool for self-discovery. Immersing oneself in ice-cold water is a powerful and profound experience. Given the comfortable and cushy lives that modern society affords most of us, many people have never in their lives been tested to this level. Witnessing themselves capable of such heights can be a deeply transformative process, especially when framed by science-based psychology tools and techniques that can facilitate a deep re-wiring of our psyche.

6. You will be featured at the COMO Shambhala Estate event in December. What can participants expect to gain from this event, and how will your teachings and practices be integrated into the experience?
It is a great privilege to have the opportunity to partner with COMO Shambala Estate and to offer this experience to its clients. I have woven in all my professional and life experience into the structure of the program. It is a result of research, hands on personal practice of what I teach, and what I have achieved with many cohorts already since 2018. The psychology-led process, strengthened by breathwork, guided meditation, cold exposure therapy, and mindful yoga movement led by Kimberly Utama, who is well known in Bali, will be delivered in a secluded and exceptional setting conducive to inner transformation. The retreat is perfect for people who are already thriving and looking for an extra edge in life. Moreover, it is equally suitable for those who have personal or professional challenges that they need resolved. Personally, by the end of the weekend, participants will experience a renewed sense of inner resolve, a stronger sense of hope about the future from increased self-confidence in their ability to deal with life’s stressors, and a deeper sense of clarity on how to move forward in the specific area of life they hope to address. Beyond the personal experience of transformation, there is a strong sense of community that emerges from sharing a unique experience with other people on a similar journey. From our past cohorts, friendships, partnerships, and business ventures have emerged. When we witness or are witnessed in our power, deep connections are created that are full of opportunity. The experience will be delivered by me in a purposeful yet organic way, designed to gently guide participants through a process of self-exploration and discovery that will facilitate the unlocking of otherwise untapped power. The program is designed in a way that seamlessly flows from one activity to the next, allowing participants to fully focus on their individual experience while allowing the magic of the learning to sink deep and create sustainable, positive change.
The positive influence of these methods was evident in my own life soon after I started practicing them. My energy levels were higher, my sleep had improved, and I generally felt calmer. It therefore felt natural to integrate these techniques in my daily practice when I hit rock bottom in 2017.
7. For Whats New Bali readers specifically, can you provide some details about your involvement in the COMO Shambhala event in December? How did this collaboration come about, and what do you hope participants will take away from this event in Bali?
At OM-Wellness we are always open to building strong, strategic partnerships with people and businesses who genuinely value wellness, especially a holistic approach to wellness where mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual (in a non-religious sense) needs are addressed, and who encourage the rediscovery of a life connected to nature and flowing at its pace. COMO Shambala embodies these values, and we have been fortunate enough to have these confirmed to us from the very first conversations that we had with their team. It is a delight to have this opportunity to partner with the professional COMO Shambala team, and we look forward to the opportunity in December to provide its clients with a profound, unique, and transformative experience that beautifully complements its brand and wellness offering. COMO Shambala’s clients can expect to leave the December retreat with a renewed sense of perspective, feeling energized and excited about life, while also feeling in tune with themselves and experiencing a healthier sense of self-worth.
For more information and reservations on Dr. Oberdan Wellness Program at COMO Shambhala Estate, please contact [email protected] or WhatsApp at +62 811-3821-4845.