In the spirit of a blessed Ramadan, Malyabhara Hotel joyfully welcomes the celebration of Ramadan 1445 H/2024 AD through an unforgettable culinary experience "All You Can Eat" buffet for breaking the fast, with the theme "Kampoeng Malya", right at Janur Restaurant, Malyabhara Hotel. For only 139 thousand rupiah / Pax, Malyabhara presents Asian culinary delights, traditional Indonesian to modern dishes, where there are mainstay menus for breaking the fast including Korean Corner (Odeng, Fish cake, Chikua), Tepan grill (Beef Short Plate , Seafood, Sausage), Roasted chicken, Smoked beef kebab, Siomay, Rawon beef, Empek empek, Empal gentong, Croffle, Waffle and many other menus.
"With the theme 'Kampoeng Malya', we want to invite our guests to experience the warmth of the month of Ramadan and the friendliness of the city of Yogyakarta while enjoying the delicious dishes we provide," explained Ika Setyaningroem, General Manager of Malyabhara Hotel.

The "Iftar All You Can Eat" buffet with the theme "Kampoeng Malya" will be available every day during the month of Ramadan 2024 at Malyabhara Hotel. They invite all guests who want to experience the warmth and culinary delights of “Kampoeng Malya”. Every order of 10 Pax Buffet will get 1 Pax free.
The menu for breaking the fast "Kampoeng Malya" can be seen on Instagram @malyabharahotel which is updated every day. In connection with the closure of access to Jl. Malioboro at 18.00 – 21.00, for guests who will break their fast at Malyabhara Hotel, road access can be via Jl. Perwakilan to the west.
For further information, please contact the telephone number at 0857 1209 2828 or 0811 2546 977.
Jl. Malioboro No.52 - 58, Suryatmajan, Kec. Danurejan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55213