Hotel Fortuna Grande Yogyakarta by FOSIA Hotels carries the Iftar concept and theme "BUKBERAN", serving goodness in diversity. With this theme, the two units of Hotel Fortuna Grande Yogyakarta, namely Hotel Fortuna Grande Malioboro and Hotel Fortuna Grande Seturan, hope that in this holy month full of moments of togetherness with family and relatives, iftar guests can feel warm togetherness with a variety of dishes and can be enjoyed by various age groups.
BUKBERAN presents various special menus, you can enjoy more than 50 menus; such as Roasted Beef, Chicken Shawarma, Kambing Guling, Seafood, various sweet porridge, various Ta'jil, various puddings, children's menu: Popcorn, Cotton Candy, Ice cream, and of course the main menu of side dishes and vegetables as well as various desserts : fresh fruit, various ices, and cakes.
For the Fortuna Grande Seturan Yogyakarta Hotel Unit, additional benefits are provided for children, namely children can have free access to Fortuna Park & Mini Zoo, and La Fortuna Park. This access, which is only valid for overnight guests, is specifically open to guests who have booked the BUKBERAN package without having to stay overnight. This access is open from 15.00 - 17.30, so guests can spend time relaxing at Fortuna Park & Mini Zoo, and La Fortuna Park before breaking the fast.
The BUKBERAN package can be ordered as of March 1 2024 with a daily quota of 150 people for each unit.

Jl. Malioboro Jl. Dagen No.60, Sosromenduran, Gedong Tengen, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55271