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Vasa Hotel and Kalbe Nutritionals Collaborate to do ‘Vasa Touch’ CSR Event in Surabaya

Surabaya – Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) data in 2018 showed that the prevalence of babies in Indonesia reached 30.8 percent, which means one in three babies experienced stunting. Although last in 2022, the prevalence of stunting babies in Indonesia has fallen to 21.6%. Indonesia itself has so far the 2nd largest stunting load in Southeast Asia and 5th in the world (December 2021) with a figure of 24%. Indonesia has an ambitious target of stunting prevalence of 14% by 2024. Also supporting the Indonesian government program, Vasa Hotel Surabaya and Prenagen under the auspices of Kalbe Nutritionals conducted CSR Stunting activities in Puskesmas (medical center) Dukuh Kupang Surabaya on Thursday, May 25, 2023.

Supporting Indonesian Government efforts to address stunting in Babies, Vasa Hotel and Kalbe Nutritionals Collaborate to do ‘Vasa Touch’ CSR Event in Surabaya

More than 400 UHT eggs and milk beans and 45 Prenagen Mommy milk boxes were distributed to 27 recipients consisting of 12 stunting babies and 15 pregnant mothers with Chronic Lack of Energy (KEK) condition. This CSR activity is part of the Vasa Touch that has been performed by Vasa Hotel Surabaya. Vasa Touch is a CSR program launched by Vasa Hotel in 2022 after their regular CSR programs. This new term is intended to ensure that the charitable activities carried out by Vasa can be documented and well-informed internally. All this is also aimed at making Vasa’s internal public aware that every dedication they make while working at Vasa can also benefit the community directly so it is expected to stimulate the employee’s spirit. 

The Vasa Touch program is also expected to inspire the hotel business operators and even other units of business that are in Surabaya to jointly enable the community. On this Vasa Touch occasion, Vasa Hotel collaborates with the Prenagen Nutrition Milk brand.  Mona Cella – Director of Marketing Communication Tanly Hospitality stated that the collaboration is aimed at breaking the stunting chain whose symptoms usually start from someone still in the mother's womb. “Stunting is not only the responsibility of the government but also of all of us. Therefore, we double Prenagen here to ensure that the CSR activity of Vasa Touch stunting this time brings more benefits at the same time breaking the chain of stunting, even stunting usually starts in pregnant women who lack chronic energy, and in addition to high protein foods also need macronutrients from milk” said Mona on the sidelines of the event. 

Vasa Touch CSR Workshop

The city of Surabaya itself has an ambitious goal to reduce its prevalence number to zero by 2023, this is due to the fact that by 2022 Surabaya City has the lowest Prevalence of 4.8% in Indonesia, but so the effort to overcome stunting is not easy because the number will likely increase as long as birth still happens in the region, so the stunting restriction is not only limited to babies who have stunted but also since the fetus in the womb. The nutrition of pregnant women is very important, especially the folic acid available from macronutrient sources. Sucahyono Adhi – Head of the Branch of Kalbe Nutritionals Woman Nutrition East Java revealed the importance of macronutrients for pregnant mothers and fetal brain development. “Compliance with foods that are rich in protein and also macronutrients is the key to preventing stunting numbers because stunting is not only related to the height of the body but the development of the fetal brain and folic acid present in the breast milk is very important to prevent stunting from its roots.” 

Things are also revealed by the Head of District of Dukuh Pakis – Annita Hapsari where the impact of stunting can affect the growth of the child in the future, not only the height of the body will be hindered, but the brain growth will also not develop so that the child will be difficult to learn and difficult to concentrate. In addition, physically stunting babies will also be prone to chronic diseases, and that can all be overcome with adequate nutrition. With this activity, all the elements of the Dukuh Pakis district are grateful for the CSR collaboration formed by Vasa Hotel with Kalbe Nutritionals through Vasa Touch activities. “We represent the government of Surabaya and thank you for all the efforts made, and this is the best form of 'gotong royong' (mutual cooperation philosophy) because stunting is a shared responsibility,” said Annita.

CSR Vasa Touch

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